Buyer’s Guide:
Step Bars Vs Running Boards
Step Bars Vs Running Boards
When it comes to truck accessories, especially step bars and running boards, you probably have some questions. Is it called a side step or a step bar? Do I need a step bar or a running board? And why do some folks call it a nerf bar? If this is the first time you have accessorized a truck, SUV or jeep, this can be quite confusing. Whatever you call them, bars and boards serve the same function — to give easier access to your toolbox or truck bed and to provide non-slip stepping surfaces to help people get in and out of your vehicle. It’s important to understand that any of these options will get the job done, but that there are some key differentiators. The key differentiators include material, finish, width, and length.
The following article is intended to help you choose which product will best serve your needs and preferences.
Step bars and running boards are, for the most part used interchangeably.
So, what are the differences?
Step bars are called a variety of names, including side steps, side bars, and nerf bars — just to name a few. Their primary function is to provide a stepping surface into your vehicle and they usually have individual step pads to correspond to each door on the vehicle. Step bars are generally narrower than running boards and are mounted with extra space between the vehicle body and the bar.
Running boards also provide a stepping surface into the vehicle, but are mounted flush, or closer to the vehicle's rocker panel, instead of leaving a gap. Running boards are usually wider than side bars with a flatter profile. Running boards have a flat stepping surface, usually with a tread that spans the length of the board.
FUN FACT: What is a “nerf” exactly? Who put the “nerf” in the nerf step bar?
“Nerf” is an old school racing term for when two racers bump or “nerf” each other. These minor collisions are still common in racing today. Before nerf bars, a nerf could cause two vehicle's wheels to collide and launch one into the air, often causing major damage.
Nerf bars were a type of truck accessory created to serve as the solution. Nerf bars still aim to protect your vehicle, though today they have become more focused on protecting it from dings and dents from parking lots.
What are the types of step bars and running boards?